Monday, January 1, 2007

The Year That Was

2006 was like a dream series. I produced several shows (two LARA REVEALED shows and one RATED L GUILTY WITH PLEASURE), traveled a lot and made TV appearances in feel-good shows like MOMS, Homeboy and SIS. However, 2006 also saw me in the middle of controversies and intrigues- things I never wanted to happen in the first place. Who would want to be beaten black and blue? Who would want to have his/her car damaged? Who would want to end up in a hospital with bills so enormous you wish it was just a very bad dream.

I was called a drama queen, a starlet, scene-stealer, etc. There were nasty things written about me and it made me really sad- after all, I am just human.

Looking back at the year that was 2006, there were more good things than bad things. More importantly- all the problems I encountered made me even stronger.

And I am looking forward to a more exciting year that is 2007.

Happy New Year to us all and GOD bless!


Saturday, December 30, 2006

After the Metro Manila Film Festival Awards Night.

Saturday, December 16, 2006